About Us

ideal for websites and magazines layouts
  • Work alongside our customers
  • Work with the best solutions and partners
  • Simple contracts, no hidden extras
  • No unnecessary jargon
  • Save money and be efficient
  • Implementation with minimum fuss

Richard Reeves

Managing Director

Call to ask any question

01630 478952


We're a different business communications company

Our Ethos

We’re a different business communication company. We don’t prescribe a solution, we work with our customers to find a solution to their benefit and we don’t blind them with science or false promises.

Our Vision

Many business communication companies have developed a poor reputation. We are open, honest and clear from the very start to ensure that we are as transparent and trustworthy as possible.

Our Team

At Positive Business Communications, we’ve developed an expert team of communication experts with many years of experience and understanding of the industry.